Religious Liberty
We Have Been Warned theamericanconservative
Last year, the Baptist ethicist David Gushee david-gushee.squarespace was quoted by gay New York Times columnist Frank Bruni as saying that “Conservative Christian religion is the last bulwark against full acceptance of L.G.B.T. people.” Gushee has fully embraced gay rights, and doesn’t simply tolerate gay relationships, but affirms their goodness. Now he has written an extraordinarily important column laying out the future for Christians who reject the Sexual Revolution in its latest form.
NATO Offers ‘Gender Perspective’ Course freebeacon
“To have a gender perspective is to have the ability to detect if and when men, women, boys and girls are being affected differently by a situation due to their gender,” the Soldiers Card states. “Consider and at all times assume that lives, experiences, security threats, freedom of movements, healthiness, access to health care, resources and influence are not the same for men, women, boys and girls.”
NATO defines sex as biological and constant, while gender is “socially constructed, dynamic, and changing over time.”
[OPINION] Has it become ‘vogue’ for American Jewish millennials to hate Israel? jpost
There are many reasons for this alarming trend. It’s almost impossible from an American perspective to really grasp the complexities of the Middle East and the deep hate that many of Israel’s neighbors have for both the state and for the Jewish people. Additionally the media has misinformed the American public by painting an unfair and often one-sided picture of Palestinian oppression. This bias has played an integral role in perpetuating the myth that Israel is an evil and autocratic empire crushing anything and anyone standing in its way, especially the Palestinian Arabs.
Turkish, Russian officials downplay reports Russia might operate out of Incirlik air base airforcetimes
In response to a reporter's question, Yildirim said, "If necessary, the Incirlik base can be used (by the Russians),” according to Anadolu Agency, a state-run Turkish news agency. But local media on Wednesday reported that Turkey’s deputy prime minister, Numan Kurtulmuş, amended Yildirim’s comments, saying because Russia is not a NATO member, it cannot use the base. However, Incirlik is a Turkish base, not a NATO base.
Also see Turkey open to Russian planes at US Incirlik hub stripes
Research Tech
We can now make shrunken, see-through rodents for science theverge
In a study published today in Nature Methods, researchers led by Ali Ertürk at Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich developed a technique that shrinks rodents by up to 65 percent, makes them transparent, and preserves key fluorescent proteins needed for imaging. Wonderfully, they call this technique “ultimate DISCO,” or uDISCO, which sounds like a disco dance school in Palo Alto.
If you were squimish when you were discecting frogs in school, be aware that some of the images on this article might bring back memories of formaldehyde
The MIT Lab That's Teaching Phones To Build Themselves fastcodesign v
Still in its infancy, their new project explores how with a few components, a source of energy, and the right interactions, a cell phone could "build itself," without the need for human or even high-tech automation. Not only does the project demonstrate Tibbit's research into self-assembly on a practical level, it could also have major implications on manufacturing.
I get this, and it could be interesting in the future, but the current video looks like someone put magnets on parts, threw them into a washing machine, shook them around a bunch, then said "see - they self assembled".
Biologists build a working calculator out of DNA techradar
...a team of biologists at Duke University has created an circuit out of DNA that's analogue - meaning that it doesn't require conversion [into a digital signal]. The group created strands of synthetic DNA that, when mixed together in a test tube, can add, subtract and multiply as they form and break bonds.
ESA’s Proba-3 satellite will create its own solar eclipses in 2019 siliconrepublic
The two separate craft will combine to create solar eclipses that last for hours on end, allowing ESA researchers to analyse the sun’s outer atmosphere, known as its corona, in unprecedented detail.
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