Robots Learn How to Make Friends and Influence People technologyreview
...researchers have developed an algorithm that could give robots the ability to deftly maneuver through spaces packed with unpredictable humans.
Google Home: The always-listening robot speaker designed to run your life v
The device uses Google's state-of-the-art artificial intelligence aide, Google Assistant, and connects with users' Google accounts to act as a virtual butler. It can be used to check appointments, create lists and send messages, simply by speaking to it.
US Senate passes bill for 9/11 families to sue Saudis euronews
The bill has been spurred by unpublished work that cites some evidence that Saudi government officials and other Saudi citizens living in the United States had a hand in the terrorist plot.
However a Sept. 11 commission, has since found “no evidence that the Saudi government as an institution or senior Saudi officials individually funded” Al Qaeda or the 9/11 plotters.
2 State Solution
Egyptian president calls on Israelis, Palestinians to take historic steps to peace jpost
“If by our combined efforts and real desire, we can all achieve a solution to this problem and find hope for the Palestinians and security for the Israelis, history will write a new page that will be no less and might even be more of an achievement than the signing of the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel forty years ago,” Sisi said during a speech in the southern city of Assiut.
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