Trump fails to mention Jews in Holocaust remembrance statement usatoday
In a departure from predecessors on both sides of the political aisle, President Trump’s statement Friday marking International Holocaust Remembrance Day ushmm.org did not mention the deaths of six million Jews — a lapse the head of the Anti-Defamation League adl.org called “puzzling and troubling.”
Also see Statement by the President on International Holocaust Remembrance Day whitehouse.gov
Lawmakers framed the measure as an expansion of rights for transgender, intersex and other people who do not identify as male or female.
Super Bowl Glare Fixes Attention on Texas ‘Bathroom Bill’ nbcnews
The proposed measure is similar to one enacted last year in North Carolina that prompted the National Basketball Association to pull its showcase 2017 All Star game from Charlotte, while the National Collegiate Athletic Association moved seven championship events amid economic boycotts estimated to have cost hundreds of millions of dollars.
Government science goes rogue on Twitter cbsnews
In the wake of the Badlands National Park Service’s Twitter account having its pro-science [sic] tweets deleted (after the Department of the Interior had ordered all Park Service social media accounts to go quiet), “rogue” Twitter accounts have begun to sprout up for the NPS, and now for EPA, USDA and NASA. It’s unclear who’s behind these accounts, but their strong defense of established climate science [sic] quickly won them a big following.
Anti-Abortion Rights, But Not Necessarily Pro-Trump At March For Life npr.org
The red Make America Great Again hats that speckled the crowd at Trump's inauguration last week were few and far between, and marchers ranged from enthusiastic Trump supporters to people who fear what his presidency might mean — despite his opposition to abortion. Multiple attendees said the rally was not about politics. Rather, they said, it's about one thing only.
Proposal would establish California as separate nation newsday
Election officials announced Thursday that a proposal has been submitted to the Secretary of State's Office that would ask voters to repeal part of the state constitution that declares California an inseparable part of the United States.
The proposed constitutional amendment, titled California Nationhood, would also ask voters to repeal language that states the U.S. Constitution is the supreme law. If approved, it calls for scheduling a vote in 2019 to ask voters, "Should California become a free, sovereign and independent country?"
Caught in a dragnet magtheme-wng.pantheonsite.io
Americans and Christian minorities in Turkey are increasingly singled out as state-of-emergency laws turn the largest democracy in the Middle East into an authoritarian state
Photographer behind image of [fetus] in womb dies independent.ie
Also see His Website lennartnilsson
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