Day's Headlines: Trump's False Gospel; Sporting Pronoun Pins; The White People Problem; Life Programmer Wanted; Under the Sea; Lasering Plankton from Space; China's EmDrive; Robot Shopper; Amazon's Force; Kim Jung Un's 300+ Political Fears; and Fragments in a Cave

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Trump's False Gospel; Sporting Pronoun Pins; The White People Problem; Life Programmer Wanted; Under the Sea; Lasering Plankton from Space; China's EmDrive; Robot Shopper; Amazon's Force; Kim Jung Un's 300+ Political Fears; and Fragments in a Cave

False Religion

Televangelist Paula White Joins Trump Inauguration Day Plans hollywoodreporter

Prosperity gospel preachers Paula White, a friend of Trump's, and Bishop Wayne T. Jackson, whose Detroit church hosted the Republican in September, will be among six faith leaders selected to participate in the Jan. 20 inauguration. It will be the first time preachers who spread the prosperity gospel will be included in the ceremony.

While the faith movement is widely popular, many Christians consider it heretical. Ministers in the tradition often hold up their own wealth as evidence their teachings work. Trump had campaigned in part on his record as a wealthy real estate developer and businessman.

For more on the heretical teachings of people like Paula White, see: The Devilish Puppet Master of the Word-Faith Movement (Justin Peters)


Kansas school’s libraries offer students pronoun pins therepublic

“Because gender is, itself, fluid and up to the individual,” a sign at the libraries reads. “Each person has the right to identify their own pronouns, and we encourage you to ask before assuming someone’s gender. Pronouns matter! Misgendering someone can have lasting consequences, and using the incorrect pronoun can be hurtful, disrespectful, and invalidate someone’s identity.”

Expressing gender identity through buttons or other means has cropped up elsewhere in the interest of inclusion. Buttons were given out at the start of this semester at Vermont’s Champlain College, home to a new Women and Gender Center. Students and teachers at the University of Vermont also have worn name tags and made business cards with their preferred pronouns. The University of Michigan this semester began letting students designate their own pronouns that will be reflected on class rosters.

"...gender is, itself, fluid and up to the individual..." - says who? Certainly not our Creator who "made them male and female" (Matthew 19:4)

Are White People A Problem? Lawmaker Opposed To University Of Wisconsin Course Titled “The Problem of Whiteness” ibtimes

Created by assistant professor Damon Sajnani in the African Studies Department, the course will explore how white people "consciously and unconsciously perpetuate institutional racism and how this, not only devastates communities of color but also perpetuates the oppression of most white folks along the lines of class and gender," according to the description.


This Playful Lab-in-a-Box Will Teach You How to Reprogram Life singularityhub

Amino Labs is a lab-in-a-box that allows anyone (read: non-biologists) to learn how DNA can be used to program living systems to create things. Amino Labs is the best tool I’ve seen yet for allowing someone who doesn’t have any background in biology to create something (like a glowing bacteria night light) that teaches basic bioengineering techniques while also sparking the imagination of what’s possible.


A rare glimpse into Antarctica’s colorful underwater world quartz v

Australian scientists recently launched a robot under the Antarctic sea ice, capturing rare footage of the vibrant world beneath. To get there, they drilled a hole into ice 1.5 meters thick (4.9 feet). The layers of ice protect the life below from the harsh Antarctic weather.


NASA's Got A Giant Space Laser And It's Not Afraid to Use It (To Study Plankton) houstonpress w!

Using an enormous laser tucked into a satellite orbiting Earth, NASA scientists have been locked in intent study of polar phytoplankton and the cycles of the these tiny plants that are the foundation of coastal and oceanic food chains.

Note this article isn't the most professionally written, and uses some slightly crude language.

NASA Isn’t The Only Space Agency Working On EmDrive, China Already Carried Out Successful Tests mobipicker

CNSA (China National Space Administration confirmed that it has been funding the controversial propulsion technology for years and that successful tests have been carried aboard Tiangong-2, the Chinese space station. If the claims are true, NASA is left behind, since it still hasn’t conducted EmDrive digitaltrends tests in space.

EmDrive is controversial because it uses microwaves which are emitted inside of a cone-shape engine. Microwaves make the engine to move forward, acting like a propulsion system, although the drive clash with some Newton’s laws. Further, the technology doesn’t need any kind of rocket fuel, and it can potentially make space travel much faster.


The Robotic Grocery Store of the Future Is Here technologyreview v

Ocado ocado claims that its 350,000-square-foot warehouse in Dorden, near the U.K.’s second city of Birmingham, is more heavily automated than Amazon’s warehouse facilities. The company’s task is certainly more challenging in many respects: most of the 48,000 lines of goods that it sells are perishable, and many must be chilled or frozen. Some, such as sushi, must be delivered on the same day they arrive in the warehouse.

Amazon’s robot army grows by 50 percent seattletimes

The world’s largest e-commerce retailer said it has 45,000 robots in some 20 fulfillment centers. That’s a bigger headcount than that of the armed forces of the Netherlands, a NATO member, according to World Bank data. It’s also a cool 50 percent increase from last year’s holiday season, when the company had some 30,000 robots working alongside 230,000 humans.

North Korea

Kim Jong Un has executed over 300 people since coming to power cnn

The Institute for National Security Strategy, a South Korean think tank, released "The misgoverning of Kim Jong Un's five years in power" on Thursday, detailing how the North Korean leader uses executions to tighten his hold on power. Of those killed, about 140 were senior officers in the country's government, military and ruling Korean Worker's Party.


More Dead Sea Scroll Fragments Found in the Cave of Skulls newhistorian

Archeologists working on a salvage excavation by the Dead Sea in Israel have uncovered new fragments they believe to be part of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Found in the Cave of the Skulls, the writing on the small pieces can’t be read without lab analysis, it’s even unclear if the writing is in Hebrew, Aramaic, or a different language.

Along with the papyri artifacts, dozens of stone vessels, pottery fragments and flint items were discovered within the cave. Several different metal objects were also found, including needles, cosmetic tools, and hobnails with hollow heads which were used to make sandals. Another interesting find was a bundle, a textile wrapping around a collection of beads, which was found inside a natural crevice in the west wing of the cave. This bundle has not yet been opened, but its contents have been identified through X-rays. It joins two other bundles previously discovered by Aharoni, making up the largest bead collection ever found from the time period known as the Chalcolithic, an ancient period that predates the Copper Age.


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