Day's Headlines: Army of Their Own; EU's 'Splodin; America on the Side; Rated Negatively; Changing Winds; Olive Pit; Crisper Corn; NASA's Asteroid Mission; Simple Security; MacDonald's Impending Retirement; and Large, Plane Tool

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Army of Their Own; EU's 'Splodin; America on the Side; Rated Negatively; Changing Winds; Olive Pit; Crisper Corn; NASA's Asteroid Mission; Simple Security; MacDonald's Impending Retirement; and Large, Plane Tool


Europe forges ahead with plans for 'EU army'

Federica Mogherini, the EU's foreign policy chief, is preparing to forward a timetable setting out steps to create EU military structures “to act autonomously" from NATO.

EU's Capacity to Accept Economic Migrants Close to Exhaustion - Tusk, Borisov Warn

The Bulgarian prime minister pointed that Tusk had confirmed the need of closing the external borders of the EU and allowing only political migrants until the problems are solved.

World Politics

G-20 PHOTO O' THE DAY: American't directorblue.blogspot p

I don't know who took this photo, but it perfectly embodies the current world politics in a snapshot...


Negative rates will stay for another five years [in EU], JPMorgan warns cnbc t

European banks are more akin to their Japanese counterparts and less like Wall Street, warns JPMorgan, who has detailed how a negative interest rate policy has led to ongoing pressure on revenues and profit margins. Europe has seen a balance sheet recession since the economic crisis of 2008, it said, highlighting that a 10.9 percent increase in reserves at these banks has failed to increase lending to the wider economy.


NASA baffled as Stratospheric winds start unknown curve ball motion for first time in 60 year

“The quasi-biennial oscillation is the stratosphere’s Old Faithful,” said Paul Newman, Chief Scientist for Earth Sciences at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland. “If Old Faithful stopped for a day, you’d begin to wonder about what was happening under the ground.”


Humble olive pits are prime find at exhibit from ancient city associated with King David timesofisrael w!

Several of the artifacts from Khirbet Qeiyafa, going on public display Monday for the first time, have gripped headlines and imaginations since their discovery. These include a limestone model shrine with elements reminiscent of the First Temple and a Canaanite inscription bearing a biblical name. But a humble handful of charred olive pits — whose radiocarbon dating, to sometime between 1020 and 980 BCE, establishes that Khirbet Qeiyafa dates from the period associated with King David — are the most important, if most easily overlooked.


CRISPR-Modified Corn May Soon Be Ready for Market popsci

...researchers at DuPont Pioneer, the agriculture branch of the multi-billion-dollar conglomerate, have published a study about a strain of corn engineered with CRISPR to be more resistant to drought. Once it receives government approval, this could soon be the first-ever CRISPR-modified crop to go on sale.


Why is NASA chasing this asteroid? cnn

"This is a dark asteroid that we have found and we're going to hunt down, we're going to orbit, we're going to take a good look at it and we're going to bring back a sample," Jim Green, director of NASA's Planetary Science Division, said at a news briefing on August 17.

Future Tech

Quantum Computers Are Coming. The World Might Not Be Ready. bloomberg

To simplify a bit, the cryptographic tools commonly used to protect information online rely on very hard math problems, such as factoring large integers, that normal computers can't solve in a reasonable time frame. Quantum computers, though, could probably make quick work of such equations.


This Self-Driving Tractor Seeds, Plants, And Tills Crops All On Its Own coolthings v

That’s right, this agricultural machine can seed, plant, and till your farm’s row crops all on its own, navigating the land based on pre-programmed paths you draw on a map in the accompanying app. It automatically stops when detecting obstacles (like when a cow is on the way), only proceeding once the path is clear. In case the obstacle isn’t moving (like if there’s a straw pile lying there or something), it will send an alert via the app, at which point you can replot its path to get around the hurdle.

There's a short video on the article, or you can watch the longer promotional video here: The CNH Industrial Autonomous Tractor Concept v

3D Printing

Researchers develop the world’s largest solid 3D printed tool for aircraft manufacturing design-engineering

The tool took only 30 hours to print using carbon fiber and ABS thermoplastic composite materials. Aerospace giant Boeing will be testing the effectiveness of the tool for its Boeing 777X passenger jet. At 17.5 feet long, 5.5 feet wide and 1.5 feet tall, the 3D printed structure is comparable in length to a large sport utility vehicle and weighs approximately 1,650 pounds.


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