Inside the Secret Meeting Where Wall Street Tested Digital Cash bloomberg
The event -- announced in a statement this Monday -- marked a key moment in the evolution of blockchain, notable both for what was achieved, as well as how many firms were involved. The technology’s potential has captivated Wall Street executives because it offers a way to free up billions of dollars by speeding transactions that currently can take days, tying up capital. But a huge piece of that puzzle is transforming cash into a digital form. And while some firms have conducted experiments, the Chain event showed a large number of them are now looking jointly at a potential solution.
Bitcoin businesses want to stop talking about the creator, thank you very much mashable
The first years of Bitcoin's existence saw questionable entrepreneurs bootstrap questionable businesses with questionable security. They hoped to capitalize early on this new currency kickstarted by the mysterious Satoshi, intended to revolutionize banking but instead often used for illicit purposes like buying drugs.
See also Doubts emerge that computer scientist Craig Wright is Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto
Every Time This Has Happened, A Recession Followed zerohedge t
As of today, we now have three consecutive quarters of tightening lending standards. In fact, based on the latest survey, net lending standards tightened even more than during Q4 as shown in the chart below, and are now the tightest on net since the financial crisis. Needless to say, if a recession and a default cycle has always followed two quarters of tighter lending conditions, three quarters does not make it better.
"We do not seek a cold, let alone a hot war with Russia," Carter said. "We do not seek to make Russia an enemy. But make no mistake, we will defend our allies, the rules-based international order, and the positive future it affords us."Wesley Clark: Next President May Face Another Nuclear Arms Race With Russia
See also Wesley Clark: Next President May Face Another Nuclear Arms Race With Russia
...according to retired four-star general Wesley Clark, the most pressing issue facing the next President could be a return of a cold-war style nuclear arms race with Russia. “Vladimir Putin has been tossing around casual references to nuclear weapons,” Clark warned during a panel on global risks at the Milken Institute Global Conference on Monday.
China's military release action-packed rap recruitment video bbc
With fast cuts and a rap-style sing-along tune, the Chinese military is reaching out to the young people it needs to fill its enormous ranks.
The lyrics appear on screen so there's no mistaking the message: "Always think about the mission; the enemy forever in your eyes."
Israeli justice minister proposes controversial West Bank settlement legislation latimes
The Israeli justice minister has said she wants to extend civil laws to Jewish settlements in the West Bank, a move that critics say would put the country at odds with the international community.
Iran criticizes US presence in the Persian Gulf timesofisrael
“They sit together, scheme and say that Iran must not hold war games in the Persian Gulf. What a foolish remark! They come here from the other side of the globe and stage war games. What are you doing here? Go back to the Bay of Pigs. Go and hold exercises there. What are you doing in the Persian Gulf? The Persian Gulf is our home,” said Khamenei. State TV broadcast part of his speech.
North Korea
North Korea ramps up security ahead of national congress theguardian
Travel to and from Pyongyang has been halted, spot checks are being carried out at hotels and private homes, and additional people’s security ministry personnel have been drafted in from the provinces, South Korea-based media reported.
Kim is expected to use the congress, which opens on Friday, to cement his grip on power and reinforce the totalitarian one-party system. The 33-year-old will unveil plans for badly needed economic reforms.
US May Introduce Travel Ban on North Korea Following Arrests of Americans sputniknews
The Department of State does not currently restrict US citizens from traveling to North Korea but advises against such trips, noting that Americans have been subject to arrest and long-term detention for actions that would not be cause for arrest in the United States or other countries.
The pursuit of elegance through simplicity can lead to extraordinary scientific and technological breakthroughs, which include everything from profound physical equations to user-friendly personal computers. Or, in the case of the Monospinner drone, the pursuit of elegance through simplicity can lead to a single-prop copter that struggles to maintain altitude, as it whirls around endlessly like an airborne dog chasing after its own tail.
The virtual partner “watches” and improvises its own moves based on prior experiences. When the human responds, the figure reacts again, creating an impromptu dance couple based on artificial intelligence (AI).
3D Printing
Google and 3D Printing Buildings 3dprintingindustry v
A recent conference in Los Angeles saw Schmidt predict the technologies that would be game changers. The Milken Institute’s Global Conference, which brings together leaders from diverse sectors and industries around the world, explores solutions to today’s most pressing challenges in financial markets, industry sectors, health, government and education. Schmidt talked about synthetic meat made from plants, VR, self driving cars, and 3D printing for buildings.
Deep-Sea Researchers Spot a Mysterious Jellyfish Near The Mariana Trench smithsonianmag v
Just four days ago, scientists aboard the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) research vessel Okeanos Explorer were surveying the waters near the Mariana Trench when they came across a jellyfish splayed out like a flying saucer. The red-and-yellow jellyfish appeared to be casting its tentacles out like a net to snag unsuspecting prey as it drifted in the ocean’s currents about 2.3 miles below the water’s surface near the Enigma Seamount, an underwater mountain range just west of the trench...
Clime Change
First US climate refugees get $48 billion to move csmonitor
...$48 billion, which must be spent by 2022, is the first of its kind, allocated to pick up and move the entire community of the sinking, salty Isle de Jean Charles to a drier place.
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