North Korea
Kim Jong Un says North Korea won’t use nukes first usatoday
Kim warned the U.S. to stay out of Korean affairs but offered to enter talks with South Korea aimed at easing tensions on the peninsula. "As a responsible nuclear weapons state, our republic will not use a nuclear weapon unless its sovereignty is encroached upon by any aggressive hostile forces with nukes," Kim told the Workers' Party of Korea congress in Pyongyang. Kim added that the North "will faithfully fulfill its obligation for non-proliferation and strive for the global denuclearization."
Iran claims to successfully test missile that can reach Israel timesofisrael
“We test-fired a missile with a range of 2,000 kilometers and a margin of error of eight meters,” Brigadier General Ali Abdollahi was quoted as saying at a Tehran science conference.
Israel's population multiplied by 10 since founding of the state' jpost
The report cited that at independence on May 14, 1948, there were 11.5 million Jews in the world, of whom six percent were living in Israel. In contrast, in 2014 there were 14.3 million Jews in the world, 43% of whom were living in Israel. The country is rapidly approaching the tipping point where the majority of the world’s Jews will be living in Zion.
'Allah is great' ads aimed at Muslim communities in UK
Islamic Relief hopes the posters, which bear the words "Subhan Allah", meaning "Glory be to God" in Arabic, will portray Islam and international aid in a positive light.
The adverts will have a special resonance in London as the city elected its first Muslim mayor, Sadiq Khan, on Thursday - despite a Conservative campaign which repeatedly accused him of having connections to extremists.
N.C. sues federal government over transgender bathroom law usatoday
“The Obama administration is bypassing Congress by attempting to rewrite the law and set restroom policies for public and private employers across the country, not just North Carolina," McCrory said. "This is now a national issue that applies to every state and it needs to be resolved at the federal level. They are now telling every government agency and every company that employs more than 15 people that men should be allowed to use a women’s locker room, restroom or shower facility.”
Also see DOJ Files Lawsuit Challenging North Carolina Bathroom Law v
California Lawmaker Pushing for Gender-Neutral Bathrooms blogs.wsj
The law, which cleared the state assembly Monday with a 55-19 vote, would require single-occupancy bathrooms in California to be labeled as all-gender facilities. The change would apply to any bathroom open to the public, in businesses, public spaces and government agencies, but wouldn’t impact multi-stall bathrooms. California laws already allow people to use the restroom that fits their gender identity, said Jo Michael, legislative manager at Equality California.
ACLU files lawsuit against Mississippi religious freedom law washingtonexaminer
The plaintiffs are Nykolas Alford and Stephen Thomas, an engaged gay couple in Mississippi who claim they will be discriminated against as a result of the legislation, which goes into effect in July.
Also see ACLU files lawsuit challenging Mississippi law letting businesses refuse to serve gay people.
Creepy Tech
New material temporarily tightens skin v
The material, a silicone-based polymer that could be applied on the skin as a thin, imperceptible coating, mimics the mechanical and elastic properties of healthy, youthful skin. In tests with human subjects, the researchers found that the material was able to reshape “eye bags” under the lower eyelids and also enhance skin hydration. This type of “second skin” could also be adapted to provide long-lasting ultraviolet protection, the researchers say.
The video is slightly cringe-inducing...
This five-fingered robot hand learns to get a grip on its own v
...a University of Washington team of computer science and engineering researchers has built a robot hand that can not only perform dexterous manipulation but also learn from its own experience without needing humans to direct it. Their latest results are detailed in a paper to be presented May 17 at the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation.
Hyperloop firm shows off the magnetic tech that will help it move at 760 mph cnbc v
Hyperloop's pods will be propelled by an electric motor and the magnetic field created by permanent magnets will help the capsules levitate. The transport method will hit speeds of 760 miles per hour. When the pods decelerate, the energy created will be used to recharge the batteries of the motor.
UPS to help deliver blood by drone in Rwanda theguardian v
US delivery company UPS are backing drone start-up that delivers medical supplies across Rwanda. It will provide $800,000 (£55,5376) to the company Zipline and allow for critical blood transfusion deliveries to be made 20 time faster than motorcycle. In addition to the humanitarian work, UPS are using the trials to test how unseful the drone system could be in its commercial sector
Not an article - just a video of the drone.
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