Huawei prepares for robot overlords and communication with the dead washingtonpost
...Kevin Ho, president of its handset product line, told the CES Asia conference in Shanghai that the company used science-fiction movies such as “The Matrix” to envision future trends and new business ideas.
He described a future where children use apps such as WeChat to interact with dead grandparents, thanks to the ability to download human consciousness into computers. Such technologies would require huge amounts of data storage, which could generate business for Huawei, he added.
Watch This Remotely-Operated Robot Thread A Needle gizmodo v
Replicating human movement is an engineering challenge, and robots are slowly getting better at delicate movement all the time. A research team funded by Disney has constructed a remotely operated robot sensitive enough to thread a needle and move an egg without breaking it.
Driverless Cars
You can now sign up to test driverless cars in London telegraph.co.uk
"Testing these vehicles in a living environment, like the UK Smart Mobility Living Lab, takes the concept from fiction to reality. It gives the public a chance to experience what it’s like to ride in an automated vehicle and to make their own mind up as to how much they like it, trust it and could accept it as a service in the city.”
Hidden high-tech ocean pods will unleash Naval drones foxnews v
Hidden throughout global seas, the giant pods would let the U.S. Navy launch surprise attacks anytime, anywhere. UFPs would let the Navy deploy Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), or drones, to provide surveillance and other key cutting-edge tech to support operations.
Fake Skinned Robot Bats Will Soon Be Creeping Us Out From the Skies Above gizmodo v
Researchers from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign think mimicking nature is the best way to help robots take flight. So with the help of a 3D printer they’ve created a flying robotic bat complete with a layer of fake silicone skin for the wing’s membranes. It somehow manages to make real bats look almost cute in comparison.
California Catholic school lets transgender teacher keep job sfgate
This is significant for us; we did not take this lightly, said Sister Laura Reicks, president of the 16-state region of the Sisters of Mercy West Midwest Community. "We feel because of our values, the choice was this, but that didn't mean it was easy."
Supporting the dignity of each person — regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation or gender identification — aligned with the order's values, Reicks said Wednesday.
Phoenix artists file lawsuit against forced participation in same-sex wedding ceremonies washingtontimes
The lawsuit, filed by the Alliance Defending Freedom on behalf of art studio Brush & Nib, says Phoenix City Code Section 18.4(B) runs afoul of the Arizona Free Speech Clause and Free Exercise of Religion Act by forcing artists to choose between their beliefs and jail.
Protesters block train tracks to 2 Washington refineries businessinsider
The protests are part of a series of global actions calling on people to "break free" from dependence on oil, coal and other fossil fuels. Similar demonstrations are taking place in Los Angeles and Albany, New York, on Saturday and in Washington D.C. on Sunday.
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