Day's Headlines: Don't Forget the Anti-Christ; Navy Tattoo; Hiding Earth from Imagination; Everything's Going Nuclear - and Israel's Ready; Machine Learning for Fun and Profit; Super Storm!; and Quran's god Just Isn't the Bible's

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Don't Forget the Anti-Christ; Navy Tattoo; Hiding Earth from Imagination; Everything's Going Nuclear - and Israel's Ready; Machine Learning for Fun and Profit; Super Storm!; and Quran's god Just Isn't the Bible's

End Times


We, in the Calvinistic and Reformed church, have not done justice to the Scripture’s teaching on this matter. We often rightly respond to the “Left Behind” industry with dismay and sarcasm. In so doing, however, we have, perhaps inadvertently failed to sufficiently and soberly grasp Scripture’s teaching on this period of history which will be instrumental in bringing about a catastrophic and irreversible apostasy. Here then, are twelve biblical observations about the Man of Lawlessness (MoL) to help prepare us for that day.

This excellent look at the coming aspostasy within the church was shared by Tim Challies today, and I wanted to pass it along...


Navy easing tattoo rules   navytimes

The Navy is easing its tattoo policy in a bid to recruit and retain more sailors from the millennial generation, of whom more than 1 in 3 sport body art.

This is not a commentary on tattoos, nor to say that they are sinful in of themselves (some may disgree, but consider the argument Matt Slick makes on for an appolgetic on this using Scripture). However, what I feel it shows is how a changing culture influences even those organizations which we feel to be the most 'reserved' in attire or behavior.

What's also interesting is the admitted difficulty and arbituary rules on deciding what is morally OK/not OK to have:

“There are just so many variables when you look at tattoo language and tattoo art that it’s just not reasonable to try and identify a set list of what is and what isn’t acceptable,” Stevens said. “This is one of those areas where we trust this senior leadership, our triads, to be able to look at something in its context, using the chain of command and having discussions amongst themselves as to whether something is appropriate or not.”


Two scientists propose using lasers to cloak Earth … from aliens   digitaltrends

In a nearly six-minute video posted to Cool Labs’ YouTube channel, Teachey details exactly how a planetary cloaking device might work and explains that “we humans could build a cloaking device for the Earth, right now.”

Sadly, this was NOT an April Fool's joke...


Nuclear terrorist threat bigger than you think   edition.cnn

Cassandra's curse, however, was not that she was wrong, but that no one believed her. I don't know a single nuclear expert who thinks that the threat of nuclear terrorism is shrinking. I don't know a single one who thinks that the actions taken by world leaders at this week's Nuclear Security Summit are enough. We are fearful. And you should be, too.

This is an opinion piece that reveals how life without Christ, the certainty and totality of God's Soverienty, and knowledge that He is working all things for good (Rom 8:28) provides two options: living in wilful ignorance of the sin around, or live in fear of everything. If you are in Christ (Rom 3:23-25), then I encourage you to neither be foolishly ignorant of what's going on in the world, nor fearful of what is! And to keep looking up, for our redemption is nigh (Luke 21:28) :)

Israel a global leader in readiness for nuclear terror   timesofisrael

Israel is one of the countries most prepared for scenarios of nuclear terrorism,” Energy Minister Yuval Steinitz said Saturday at a nuclear security summit held in Washington.

Machine Learning

Advancing Machine Learning to Uncover New Insights   infoworld

Machine learning holds the promise of not only structuring vast amounts of data but also to create true business intelligence


Superstorm’ climate shift can happen within decades not centuries, climate scientists warn

Climate scientists are warning the threat of global warming could be even more dangerous than previously believed, suggesting “killer storms”, the rise of sea levels and the “disintegration” of large parts of the polar ice sheets can happen sooner than thought.

Sounds terrible, but the description doesn't even come close to the "climate change" our Creator promised in Rev 16:1-21, et al, leading up to the final judgement (Rev 20:11-15) before the earth and heavens are destroyed and made new (Rev 21:1)...


Startling Similarities (and Contrasts) Between the Bible and the Quran   pjmedia

I have been a pastor for the past 28 years. I am a conservative evangelical who believes all the basic tenets of Christianity: the Trinity, virgin birth and sinless humanity of Jesus Christ, the vicarious death and physical resurrection of Christ, the future judgments of the saved and the lost, salvation by grace, and so forth. I have personally talked to and shared my faith with hundreds of Muslims, both here in America and overseas. In almost all my conversations with my Muslim friends, the conversations and debates have been polite and respectful. I have also read the entire Quran all the way through twice, in two different English translations (I cannot read Arabic, unfortunately).

Short, but interesting. I agree with his points, though I would say the part of his title that reads "similarities" is a bit misleading as it's mostly a contrast piece...


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