Day's Headlines: Nuclear Sized Leak; Earth Conscious Robot; NK Does Rockets a Solid; Chatbot Slurs; Baby X; and AI Co-Writer

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Nuclear Sized Leak; Earth Conscious Robot; NK Does Rockets a Solid; Chatbot Slurs; Baby X; and AI Co-Writer


Nuclear Plant Leak Threatens Drinking Water Wells in Florida nytimes

Samples of the water at various depths and sites around the power plant showed elevated levels of salt, ammonia, phosphorous and tritium, a radioactive isotope that is found in nature but also frequently associated with nuclear power plants.


Apple’s Recycling Robot Needs Your Help to Save the World wired

Apple calls the machine Liam. A custom-designed R&D experiment, Liam dismantles iPhones and sorts the components for recycling. The project was kept secret for three years, says Mashable deputy tech editor Samantha Murphy Kelly, who was allowed a sneak preview of Liam in action.

Saving the world, one iPhone at a time. Also: Liam Robot Recycles iPhones Piece by Piece (Video).

North Korea

North Korea Tests New Rocket Engine, State Media Says nytimes

North Korea said on Thursday that it had successfully tested a new rocket engine that would significantly bolster its missile capabilities, and South Korea called on its people to heighten vigilance against possible terrorist attacks by the North.


Microsoft AI chatbot designed to learn from Twitter ends up endorsing Trump and praising Hitler

Microsoft created a chatbot that tweeted about its admiration for Hitler and used wildly racist slurs against black people before it was shut down.

I wonder what offended Microsoft more - the Hitler reference or the Trump one? I kid! Seriously, though, I’m “eh” about chat bots in general (kind of like digital parrots, really). However, this ties into an article on a list I posted a couple days ago from business insider about machines being “Like sociopaths and psychopaths” when it comes to having a sense of morality.

Meet Baby X bloomberg

Mark Sagar started his career by building medical simulations of body parts. He took those skills and went into CGI, most famously for "Avatar," "King Kong" and others. Now he's combining his skills and building an entire brain and responsive face on a computer in order to map human consciousness.

(Video - 3:51)

Japanese AI software co-writes short story

The novel, ironically titled The Day a Computer Writes a Novel, was written by an AI software programme created by a team from Japan's Future University Hakodate. While it didn't take first prize at the third Nikkei Hoshi Shinichi Literary Awards, it did make it through the first round of screening.


Scientists say Shakespeare's skull may be missing from grave businessinsider

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